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Прикладной бакалавриат в геодезии
Отмечается необходимость сближения и гармонизации систем образования стран Европы, включая Россию, в рамках Болонского процесса. Опираясь на опыт МИИГАиК по подготовке бакалавров техники и технологии по направлению "Геодезия", предлагается в качестве эксперимента
начать подготовку специалистов по прикладному бакалавриату в тесном сотрудничестве средних и высших учебных заведений.
Bachelor in Applied Geodesy
V.A. Malinnikov, V.V. Shlapak (MIIGAiK)
G.L. Khinkis (College for Geodesy and Cartography MIIGAiK)
#5, p 56
The necessity for convergence and harmonization of the education systems in Europe including Russia within the framework of the Bologna process is marked. Based on the experience of the Moscow University for Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK) for bachelors of engineering and technology in geodesy it is proposed to start training specialists for an applied bachelor degree in close cooperation between the secondary and higher educational institutions.
Bachelor in Applied Geodesy
V.A. Malinnikov, V.V. Shlapak (MIIGAiK)
G.L. Khinkis (College for Geodesy and Cartography MIIGAiK)
#5, p 56
The necessity for convergence and harmonization of the education systems in Europe including Russia within the framework of the Bologna process is marked. Based on the experience of the Moscow University for Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK) for bachelors of engineering and technology in geodesy it is proposed to start training specialists for an applied bachelor degree in close cooperation between the secondary and higher educational institutions.