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Молдавские встречи на "Геодезической дуге Струве"
Приведены итоги 3-й Международной конференции представителей геодезических служб 10 европейских стран по проекту сохранения и развития общего трансграничного памятника «Геодезическая дуга Струве». В январе 2003 г. этот памятник представлен в ЮНЕСКО для
внесения в Список всемирного культурного наследия.
Moldavian Talks on Struve Geodetic Arc
A.V. Yuskevich ("Aerogeodezia" Enterprise)
V.B. Kaptsyug (("Aerogeodezia" Enterprise)
#5, p 52
The article sums up the talks at the 3rd International Conference of representatives of geodetic services from 10 European countries. The Conference was dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the common transboundary memorial «Struve Geodetic Arc». In January 2003 it was submitted to UNESCO for inscription include onto the World Heritage List.
Moldavian Talks on Struve Geodetic Arc
A.V. Yuskevich ("Aerogeodezia" Enterprise)
V.B. Kaptsyug (("Aerogeodezia" Enterprise)
#5, p 52
The article sums up the talks at the 3rd International Conference of representatives of geodetic services from 10 European countries. The Conference was dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the common transboundary memorial «Struve Geodetic Arc». In January 2003 it was submitted to UNESCO for inscription include onto the World Heritage List.