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Путешествие в историю
Сохраненные в веках символика и традиции
В статье рассматриваются основные вехи становления геодезической специальности. Особое внимание уделяется символике и традиции служения Отечеству. Отмечается преемственность учебных заведений от момента создания Межевой канцелярии по подготовке высококвалифицированных
специалистов и формированию творческих личностей
Kept in centuries symbolics and traditions
E.Yu. Mikheleva (School of young journalists, Moscow State University)
#3, p 66
The article considers the main milestones of the specialty of geodesist evolution. A particular attention is paid to the symbolism and tradition of serving the Motherland. Succession of traditions is marked for the educational establishments in training both highly qualified specialists and forming creative personalities from the moment of the Merestead Office foundation on.
Kept in centuries symbolics and traditions
E.Yu. Mikheleva (School of young journalists, Moscow State University)
#3, p 66
The article considers the main milestones of the specialty of geodesist evolution. A particular attention is paid to the symbolism and tradition of serving the Motherland. Succession of traditions is marked for the educational establishments in training both highly qualified specialists and forming creative personalities from the moment of the Merestead Office foundation on.