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Путешествие в историю
«Дуга Струве» – прошлое и настоящее
Статья приурочена к 180-летию публикации В.Я. Струве результатов измерений на первом фрагменте будущей "Русско-скандинавской дуги меридиана" - "Дуги Струве", признанной ЮНЕСКО в 2005 г. объектом Всемирного наследия. Приводится историческая справка о выполненных
работах на "Дуге Струве" и отмечается ее научное, практическое, общественное и международное значение. Описывается работа, проделанная Международным координационным комитетом, включающим представителей 10 стран, по территории которых проходит "Дуга Струве",
и участие в ней Санкт-Петербурского общества геодезии и картографии.
The "Struve Geodetic Arc" - the Past and the Future
V.B. Kaptsyug (St.-Petersburg Society of Geodesy and Cartography)
#1, p 63
The article is confined to the 180th anniversary of publishing by V.Ya Struve the results of measurements on the first section of the future "Russian-Scandinavian meridian arc" - the Struve geodetic arc, acknowledged by UNESCO as a World Heritage site in 2005. A background of the works fulfilled on the Struve Arc is given and its scientific, practical, social and international significance is marked. A work conducted by the International Coordinating Committee, including representatives from 10 countries as well as participation of the St.-Petersburg Society of Geodesy and Cartography are described.
The "Struve Geodetic Arc" - the Past and the Future
V.B. Kaptsyug (St.-Petersburg Society of Geodesy and Cartography)
#1, p 63
The article is confined to the 180th anniversary of publishing by V.Ya Struve the results of measurements on the first section of the future "Russian-Scandinavian meridian arc" - the Struve geodetic arc, acknowledged by UNESCO as a World Heritage site in 2005. A background of the works fulfilled on the Struve Arc is given and its scientific, practical, social and international significance is marked. A work conducted by the International Coordinating Committee, including representatives from 10 countries as well as participation of the St.-Petersburg Society of Geodesy and Cartography are described.