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Путешествие в историю
Геодезия длиною в жизнь. К 90-летию Л.А. Кашина
Приводится краткая информация о производственной и научной деятельности Л.А. Кашина и его исследованиях, опубликованных в последние годы жизни. Особое внимание уделено его роли и участию в проведении научно-прикладных исследованиях в области изучения современных
движений земной коры геодезическими методами и созданию в 1971 г. с коллективом авторов "Сводной карты современных движений земной коры Восточной Европы".
Lifelong Geodesy. By the 90th anniversary of L.A. Kashin
#4, p 60
A brief information on the activity of L.A. Kashin and his research published in the last years of his life are presented. A particular attention is paid to the his role and participation in the scientific and applied research in studying contemporary crust movements by the geodetic methods as well as to the "Combined maps of modern crust movements in Eastern Europe" creation in 1971 with a group of authors.
Lifelong Geodesy. By the 90th anniversary of L.A. Kashin
#4, p 60
A brief information on the activity of L.A. Kashin and his research published in the last years of his life are presented. A particular attention is paid to the his role and participation in the scientific and applied research in studying contemporary crust movements by the geodetic methods as well as to the "Combined maps of modern crust movements in Eastern Europe" creation in 1971 with a group of authors.