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Путешествие в историю
С теодолитом в руках - от Москвы до Берлина
Автор статьи, участник обороны Москвы (1941 г.), встретивший 9 мая 1945 г. в Чехословакии, описывает работу команд геодезических отрядов военно-топографической службы Советской Армии по определению координат точек местности для артиллерийских частей и
подразделений. Опыт, приобретенный геодезическими командами во время Великой отечественной войны 1941-1945 гг., представляет интерес не только для специалистов в области геодезии и топографии, но и для студентов и курсантов училищ и вузов.
With a Theodolite in Hand - from Moscow to Berlin
P.B. Petrov (Military Science Society of the M.V. Frunze Cultural Center of the Russian Armed Forces.)
#6, p 59
The author, a participant of the defense of Moscow (1941), met May 9, 1945 in Czechoslovakia. He describes the work of surveying teams of the military topographic service of the Soviet Army to determine the coordinates of terrain points for artillery units. The experience gained by the surveying teams during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 is of interest for not only specialists in the field of geodesy and topography, but also college and university students.
With a Theodolite in Hand - from Moscow to Berlin
P.B. Petrov (Military Science Society of the M.V. Frunze Cultural Center of the Russian Armed Forces.)
#6, p 59
The author, a participant of the defense of Moscow (1941), met May 9, 1945 in Czechoslovakia. He describes the work of surveying teams of the military topographic service of the Soviet Army to determine the coordinates of terrain points for artillery units. The experience gained by the surveying teams during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 is of interest for not only specialists in the field of geodesy and topography, but also college and university students.