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Путешествие в историю
Живая карта Бородинского сражения (взгляд из космоса)
Представлен опыт и технология создания медиапроекта, позволяющего визуализировать историко-географические знания о крупнейшем сражении Отечественной войны 1812 г. Проект разработан на основе высокодетальных космических снимков, геоинновационных технологий,
трехмерного моделирования и мультимедийного представления окружающего ландшафта и объектов культурного наследия.
Living Map of the Battle of Borodino (a View From Space)
V.V. Kravtsov, Ya.N. Vasyunin, I.V. Lavrov, V.K. Lobanov (Innoter Geoinnovation Agency (GIA Innoter))
I.V. Savosin (Scientific & Production Corporation "REKOD")
#1, p 4
There introduced the both experience and technology of creating a media project that visualizes the historical and geographical knowledge on the biggest battle of the Patriotic War of 1812. The project is developed based on the space very high resolution images, geoinnovation technologies, three-dimensional simulation of, and multimedia presentation, the both surrounding landscape and objects of the cultural heritage.
Living Map of the Battle of Borodino (a View From Space)
V.V. Kravtsov, Ya.N. Vasyunin, I.V. Lavrov, V.K. Lobanov (Innoter Geoinnovation Agency (GIA Innoter))
I.V. Savosin (Scientific & Production Corporation "REKOD")
#1, p 4
There introduced the both experience and technology of creating a media project that visualizes the historical and geographical knowledge on the biggest battle of the Patriotic War of 1812. The project is developed based on the space very high resolution images, geoinnovation technologies, three-dimensional simulation of, and multimedia presentation, the both surrounding landscape and objects of the cultural heritage.