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Астроном-геодезист. Была такая профессия…
Автор статьи выполняла астрономические наблюдения более чем на 50 астропунктах в различных регионах России, принимала участие в обработке и уравнивании Северо-Западного сегмента государственной геодезической сети России. Она рассказывает о своей не простой
профессии астронома-геодезиста, а также о специалистах, внесших знания и опыт в создание государственной геодезической сети России, ставшей основой государственной геодезической системы координат СК-95.
An Astronomer-geodesist. There Was Such a Profession…
Ya.F. Kulitskaya
#2, p 67
The author fulfilled astronomical observations at more than fifty astronomical stations in various regions of Russia as well as participated in processing and adjusting the Northwest segment of Russia's state geodetic net. She tells about her challenging profession of an astronomer-geodesist and about specialists who brought knowledge and experience to the development of Russia's state geodetic net which became the basis for the state geodetic coordinate system SK-95.
An Astronomer-geodesist. There Was Such a Profession…
Ya.F. Kulitskaya
#2, p 67
The author fulfilled astronomical observations at more than fifty astronomical stations in various regions of Russia as well as participated in processing and adjusting the Northwest segment of Russia's state geodetic net. She tells about her challenging profession of an astronomer-geodesist and about specialists who brought knowledge and experience to the development of Russia's state geodetic net which became the basis for the state geodetic coordinate system SK-95.