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Путешествие в историю
Оптика с безупречной «родословной»
Приводится история создания Уральского оптико–механического завода, описывается геодезическое оборудование, выпускаемое заводом в настоящее время. Делается вывод, что безупречное качество выпускаемой продукции, заложенное основателем завода Ф.Б. Швабе
150 лет назад и унаследованное УОМЗ, – не утрачено.
Optics with a Perfect Genealogy
Yu.E. Eidinova (Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Production Association «Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant» (UOMZ), Ekaterinburg)
#5, p. 53
The history of the Uralsk Optico-Mechanical Plant is pre sented. The description is given for the geodetic instru ments produced by the Plant at present. It is concluded that the perfect quality of the output products laid by F.B. Shvabe, the founder of the Plant, 150 years ago, has not been lost.
Optics with a Perfect Genealogy
Yu.E. Eidinova (Federal State Unitary Enterprise «Production Association «Ural Optical and Mechanical Plant» (UOMZ), Ekaterinburg)
#5, p. 53
The history of the Uralsk Optico-Mechanical Plant is pre sented. The description is given for the geodetic instru ments produced by the Plant at present. It is concluded that the perfect quality of the output products laid by F.B. Shvabe, the founder of the Plant, 150 years ago, has not been lost.