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Полярный планиметр Амслера
Описывается история создания, технические характеристики и принципы работы полярного планиметра Амслера с постоянным рычагом — экспоната учебно–геодезического музея МИИГАиК. Приводятся результаты сравнительной оценки точности определения площадей участков
различных размеров кадастрового плана масштаба 1:5000 с помощью этого инструмента и ГИС MapInfo.
Amsler Polar Planimeter
T.V. Ilyushina (Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK), A.Yu. Serov (MosgorBTI)
#6, p. 49
A history of the Amsler polar planimeter creation is given together with its technical characteristics and principles of operation. This planimeter has a restrictor on the tracer arm. This device is exhibited at the educa tional geodetic museum at MIIGAiK. The squares of dif ferent size sites chosen in the cadastre plan (1:5000) were determined using this device and the MapINFO GIS. The results of determination accuracy assessment are given.
Amsler Polar Planimeter
T.V. Ilyushina (Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK), A.Yu. Serov (MosgorBTI)
#6, p. 49
A history of the Amsler polar planimeter creation is given together with its technical characteristics and principles of operation. This planimeter has a restrictor on the tracer arm. This device is exhibited at the educa tional geodetic museum at MIIGAiK. The squares of dif ferent size sites chosen in the cadastre plan (1:5000) were determined using this device and the MapINFO GIS. The results of determination accuracy assessment are given.