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Нормы и право
Планово-картографическая основа для проектирования в землеустройстве и точность межевания
В статье рассматривается влияние точности планово-картографической основы на точность выполнения землеустроительных работ. Отмечается, что на практике для принятия проектных решений при землеустройстве используются карты и планы, изначально несущие погрешности
в плановом положении объектов и контуров, превышающие значения, заданные в нормативных документах. Делается вывод о целесообразности пересмотра требований к точности проведения землеустроительных работ с увязкой со стоимостью землеустроительных работ и возможностями
контроля точности межевания органами Роснедвижимости.
Planimetric and Cartographic Base and Accuracy of the Land Survey
A.Yu. Konstantinov (TsPIP "VISKhAGI-TsENTR")
#6, p 49
The article considers influence of the accuracy of the planimetric and cartographic base on the accuracy of land-measuring works. It is marked that in practice for adopting designs there used maps and plans that a priory have errors in objects and contours location in plane which exceed the values given in the regulations. A conclusion is made on the expediency of reconsidering requirements for the accuracy of conducting land-measuring works together with the both land-measuring works and capabilities of controlling the land survey accuracy by the Rosnedvizhimost (Federal Real Estate Ministry).
Planimetric and Cartographic Base and Accuracy of the Land Survey
A.Yu. Konstantinov (TsPIP "VISKhAGI-TsENTR")
#6, p 49
The article considers influence of the accuracy of the planimetric and cartographic base on the accuracy of land-measuring works. It is marked that in practice for adopting designs there used maps and plans that a priory have errors in objects and contours location in plane which exceed the values given in the regulations. A conclusion is made on the expediency of reconsidering requirements for the accuracy of conducting land-measuring works together with the both land-measuring works and capabilities of controlling the land survey accuracy by the Rosnedvizhimost (Federal Real Estate Ministry).