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Особенности использования ЦММ в ГИС-технологиях
Рассматриваются особенности использования картографических материалов для обеспечения строительства и эксплуатации объектов на территории города, где приходится интегрировать результаты работ большого числа инженерных служб. Предлагается в качестве единой
многопользовательской картографической основы взамен графического плана использовать ортофотоплан и измерительную стереомодель местности.
Features of the DTM Usage for GIS-technologies
G.S. Elesin (Moscow State University of Civil Engineering)
#4, p 59
Particular problems of using cartographic materials are considered to support civil engineering and maintenance objects within the city's territory where there should be integrated results of the works of a large number of the engineering services. It is proposed to use orthophotomaps together with the terrain's measuring stereomodel as a single multi-user cartographic base instead of a graphic plan.
Features of the DTM Usage for GIS-technologies
G.S. Elesin (Moscow State University of Civil Engineering)
#4, p 59
Particular problems of using cartographic materials are considered to support civil engineering and maintenance objects within the city's territory where there should be integrated results of the works of a large number of the engineering services. It is proposed to use orthophotomaps together with the terrain's measuring stereomodel as a single multi-user cartographic base instead of a graphic plan.