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Геодезия как область знаний
Предлагается современное видение понятия "геодезия" как области знаний, предметом которой являются методы и средства изучения формы макротел, моделирование (описание) этой формы, учет ее изменений во времени и воссоздание в натуре с учетом кривизны пространства
измерений и построений. Предложена классификация уровней сложности научных и производственных задач, решаемых геодезическими методами.
Geodesy As a Field of Knowledge
Yu.Ye. Fedoseev (Research Center "Geodinamika" MIIGAiK)
#5, p 4
A contemporary understanding of the "geodesy" notion as the field of knowledge is introduced. This field's subject covers methods and means of studying macro bodies' shape, this shape simulation (description), consideration of its dynamics in time together with its real reconstruction with due consideration to the curvature of space of measurements and constructions. Classification of the levels of complexity of the scientific and production tasks solved with geodetic methods is offered.
Geodesy As a Field of Knowledge
Yu.Ye. Fedoseev (Research Center "Geodinamika" MIIGAiK)
#5, p 4
A contemporary understanding of the "geodesy" notion as the field of knowledge is introduced. This field's subject covers methods and means of studying macro bodies' shape, this shape simulation (description), consideration of its dynamics in time together with its real reconstruction with due consideration to the curvature of space of measurements and constructions. Classification of the levels of complexity of the scientific and production tasks solved with geodetic methods is offered.