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О местных системах координат и геодезической основе государственного кадастра недвижимости
В связи с поднятой в журнале "Геопрофи" № 2 и № 4 за 2009 г. дискуссией о местных системах координат субъектов РФ, авторы статьи, имеющие непосредственное отношение к разработке местных систем координат, в полемической форме приводят аргументы, подтверждающие
целесообразность, достоинства и научную обоснованность их введения.
On the Local Coordinate Systems and the Geodetic Basis of the State Real Estate Cadastre
A.V. Melnikov (Non-profit Partnership Interregional Self-regulating Organization "Land and Real Estate")
U.D. Samratov, V.V. Khvostov ("Research and Production Aerial Survey and Geodetic Company Meridian+")
#4, p 53
In connection with the discussion on the local coordinate systems of the RF subjects raised in the magazine "Geoprofi" # 2 and # 4, 2009, the authors directly related to the development of local coordinate systems, in a polemical form adduce arguments confirming feasibility, advantages and scientific validity of their introduction.
On the Local Coordinate Systems and the Geodetic Basis of the State Real Estate Cadastre
A.V. Melnikov (Non-profit Partnership Interregional Self-regulating Organization "Land and Real Estate")
U.D. Samratov, V.V. Khvostov ("Research and Production Aerial Survey and Geodetic Company Meridian+")
#4, p 53
In connection with the discussion on the local coordinate systems of the RF subjects raised in the magazine "Geoprofi" # 2 and # 4, 2009, the authors directly related to the development of local coordinate systems, in a polemical form adduce arguments confirming feasibility, advantages and scientific validity of their introduction.