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К вопросу о путях повышения качества образовательных услуг в вузах
Автор, опираясь на свой опыт педагогической деятельности, анализирует новый закон об образовании и выделяет в качестве главного фактора повышения качества образовательных услуг - "человеческий фактор". В заключение приводятся конкретные предложения по
совершенствованию учебного процесса в МИИГАиК.
On the Problem of the Ways to Improve the Quality of Education Services in Universities
V.M. Zimin (Military Science Society of the Frunze RF Armed Forces Cultural Center)
#6, p 48
The author, based on his experience in teaching activities, analyzes the new law on education and highlights the main factor of improving the quality of educational services - the "human factor". In conclusion there are specific suggestions to improve the educational process in MIIGAiK.
On the Problem of the Ways to Improve the Quality of Education Services in Universities
V.M. Zimin (Military Science Society of the Frunze RF Armed Forces Cultural Center)
#6, p 48
The author, based on his experience in teaching activities, analyzes the new law on education and highlights the main factor of improving the quality of educational services - the "human factor". In conclusion there are specific suggestions to improve the educational process in MIIGAiK.