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Мир увлечений
От теории фракталов до фрактальной живописи
Статья знакомит читателей с новым направлением в современной компьютерной графике – фрактальной живописью. На примере работ московского физика П.П. Николаева рассматриваются основные особенности фрактальных структур как объектов изобразительного искусства.
Обсуждается роль «фрактального художника» в создании своего «цифрового полотна».
From the Fractal Theory to the Fractal Painting
I.P. Nickolaev (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
#6, p 56
The article introduces a newtrend in the contemporary computer graphics called the fractalpainting. Based on the works by P.P. Nickolaev, the Moscow physicists, the fractal structures' principal features are considered asobjects of the fine arts. A role ofthe fractal painter in his digitalpainting creation is discussed.
From the Fractal Theory to the Fractal Painting
I.P. Nickolaev (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
#6, p 56
The article introduces a newtrend in the contemporary computer graphics called the fractalpainting. Based on the works by P.P. Nickolaev, the Moscow physicists, the fractal structures' principal features are considered asobjects of the fine arts. A role ofthe fractal painter in his digitalpainting creation is discussed.