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Геоинформационная система "Городские электрические сети"
Приводится описание и возможности ГИС «Городские электрические сети» разработанной для управления энергосистемой города Энгельса. Подобная геоинформационная система может быть реализована для любого промышленного предприятия, эксплуатирующего инженерные
Automated Geoinformation System "Urban Electric Networks"
A.N. Saprykin (“Algoritm” Research and Production Enterprise, Engels)
#5, p 16
The "Urban Electric Networks" GIS developed for controlling the Engels town’s power supply system is described. Its specific features are also presented. It is stressed that it is possible to implement this geoinformation system for any industrial enterprise dealing with engineering communications.
Automated Geoinformation System "Urban Electric Networks"
A.N. Saprykin (“Algoritm” Research and Production Enterprise, Engels)
#5, p 16
The "Urban Electric Networks" GIS developed for controlling the Engels town’s power supply system is described. Its specific features are also presented. It is stressed that it is possible to implement this geoinformation system for any industrial enterprise dealing with engineering communications.