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Компания "Совзонд" – поставщик данных и услуг в области космических технологий
Генеральный директор компании рассказывает об истории создания компании, современном состоянии рынка данных ДЗЗ, услугах, предоставляемых компанией, и перспективах ее развития.
The SOVZOND Company Offers Data and Services on the Market of Space Technologies
V.I. Mikhailov ("Sovzond" JSC)
#5, p 19
The Sovzond Director General presents the company's history, characterizes the present situation on the market of the remotely sensed data, and introduces the services provided by the company as well as the company's future development trends.
The SOVZOND Company Offers Data and Services on the Market of Space Technologies
V.I. Mikhailov ("Sovzond" JSC)
#5, p 19
The Sovzond Director General presents the company's history, characterizes the present situation on the market of the remotely sensed data, and introduces the services provided by the company as well as the company's future development trends.