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Неразрушающие георадарные методы в инженерных изысканиях
Дается краткое описание и технические характеристики георадаров. Приводятся результаты работ, выполненных авторами в 1992-2003 гг. с помощью георадара «ОКО-2М», на различных объектах.
Indestructible Georadar Techniques for Engineering Surveys
A.M. Kulizhnikov (Russian Highway Design Research and Production Institution (RosdorNII))
A.A. Belozerov (RosdorNII)
#5, p 44
A brief description and the main specifications of georadars are given. The results are considered for the works fulfilled within 1992-2003 on various objects using the OKO-2M georadar.
Indestructible Georadar Techniques for Engineering Surveys
A.M. Kulizhnikov (Russian Highway Design Research and Production Institution (RosdorNII))
A.A. Belozerov (RosdorNII)
#5, p 44
A brief description and the main specifications of georadars are given. The results are considered for the works fulfilled within 1992-2003 on various objects using the OKO-2M georadar.