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Определение условных координат с помощью портативного навигатора
Приведено описание и расчет настроек интерфейса навигационного приемника фирмы Garmin для определения координат точек местности в условной системе координат.
Satellite Navigation Receiver for Conventional Coordinates Determination
L.I. Vlaskin (Geostroy Company)
#6, p 44
An adjustment of the Garmin navigation receiver's interface for determining conventional coordinates is described. Calculations of the adjustments necessary arealso given.
Satellite Navigation Receiver for Conventional Coordinates Determination
L.I. Vlaskin (Geostroy Company)
#6, p 44
An adjustment of the Garmin navigation receiver's interface for determining conventional coordinates is described. Calculations of the adjustments necessary arealso given.