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Технология построения рельефа местности на ЦФС «ТАЛКА»
Отмечается, что одним из этапов создания карт и планов является построение рельефа местности. Приводится технология построения рельефа местности по стереоскопической модели, реализованная на ЦФС «Талка» версии 3.3. В настоящее время разработана и тестируется
новая функция для ЦФС «Талка», которая позволяет строить рельеф в автоматическом режиме.
Technology for the Terrain Model Creation Using the "Talka" Digital Photogrammetric System
A.I. Alchinov (Institute of Control Sciences (ICS) of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
V.B. Kekelidze (“Talka-TDV” Company)
#3, p 22
It is stated that a terrain model creation is one of the stages required for a map or plan compilation. A technology for the terrain model creation based on a stereoscopic model implemented for the “Talka” system, version 3.3, is described. At present a new software module of the “Talka” digital photogrammetric system is being tested. It allows creating a terrain model in an interactive mode.
Technology for the Terrain Model Creation Using the "Talka" Digital Photogrammetric System
A.I. Alchinov (Institute of Control Sciences (ICS) of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
V.B. Kekelidze (“Talka-TDV” Company)
#3, p 22
It is stated that a terrain model creation is one of the stages required for a map or plan compilation. A technology for the terrain model creation based on a stereoscopic model implemented for the “Talka” system, version 3.3, is described. At present a new software module of the “Talka” digital photogrammetric system is being tested. It allows creating a terrain model in an interactive mode.