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Об установлении требований к топографической съемке в масштабе 1:200 и крупнее
В порядке дискуссии обсуждается подход к расчету точности выполнения крупномасштабных топографических съемок. Критически оценивается возможность экстраполирования требований к съемкам масштаба 1:500 и мельче на масштаб 1:200 и крупнее.
About Imposing Requirements for Topographic Survey On a Scale of 1:200 and Larger
Ye.D. Osipov (Moscow State University for Geodesy and Cartography)
#3, p 47
An approach to the accuracy calculation is discussed concerning the large-scale topographic survey. A possibility of extrapolating requirements for the survey on a scale of 1:500 and smaller for the scale of 1:200 and larger is reviewed.
About Imposing Requirements for Topographic Survey On a Scale of 1:200 and Larger
Ye.D. Osipov (Moscow State University for Geodesy and Cartography)
#3, p 47
An approach to the accuracy calculation is discussed concerning the large-scale topographic survey. A possibility of extrapolating requirements for the survey on a scale of 1:500 and smaller for the scale of 1:200 and larger is reviewed.