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О будущем цифровой аэрофототопографии в России
Статья открывает серию публикаций по проблемам одной из наиболее значимых технологических тенденций последнего времени в геодезии и картографии, которая заключается в практически полном отказе от аналоговых методов в аэрофототопографии в пользу цифровых.
Приводится классическое описание аэрофототопографии, как прикладной дисциплины, основанное на монографии А.Н. Лобанова «Фототопография», и основные изменения, которые произошли за последние 20 лет в этой области.
On the Future of the Digital Aerial Phototopography in Russia
E.M. Medvedev (GeoLIDAR Company)
#1, p 10
This article opens the series devoted to the problems of one of the recent and the most significant technological trends in geodesy and cartography. This trend consists in almost complete change from the analog to the digital techniques in aerial phototopography. A classical definition is given for the aerial phototopography as an applied discipline based on the “Phototopografiya” monograph by A.N. Lobanov. The main changes occurred within the last twenty years in this field are described as well.
On the Future of the Digital Aerial Phototopography in Russia
E.M. Medvedev (GeoLIDAR Company)
#1, p 10
This article opens the series devoted to the problems of one of the recent and the most significant technological trends in geodesy and cartography. This trend consists in almost complete change from the analog to the digital techniques in aerial phototopography. A classical definition is given for the aerial phototopography as an applied discipline based on the “Phototopografiya” monograph by A.N. Lobanov. The main changes occurred within the last twenty years in this field are described as well.