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Практическая оценка эффективности использования SBAS
Приводятся результаты оценки эффективности применения широкозонных систем спутниковой дифференциальной навигации EGNOS и WAAS совместно с GPS. Полученные данные позволяют говорить о перспективности применения широкозонных систем дифференциальной навигации
для увеличения точности и надежности спутниковых навигационно-геодезических определений.
Efficiency Assessment of Using the SBAS
Ye.I. Sunitsky (Moscow University of Geodesy, Aerial Photosyrveying and Mapping)
#1, p 22
The efficiency assessment results of using the wide area systems of satellite navigation (EGNOS and WAAS) together with GPS are given. The results obtained show that wide area satellite-based augmentation systems are promising for improving the satellite navigation-geodetic positioning accuracy and reliability.
Efficiency Assessment of Using the SBAS
Ye.I. Sunitsky (Moscow University of Geodesy, Aerial Photosyrveying and Mapping)
#1, p 22
The efficiency assessment results of using the wide area systems of satellite navigation (EGNOS and WAAS) together with GPS are given. The results obtained show that wide area satellite-based augmentation systems are promising for improving the satellite navigation-geodetic positioning accuracy and reliability.