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Изучение современной активности тектонических нарушений в сейсмоопасных районах
В последние годы особенно остро проявилась необходимость в детальных и ответственных оценках сейсмической опасности регионов при проектировании новых трубопроводов. В статье представлены результаты изучения многих разрывных структур Северо-Западного Кавказа,
попадающие в зону проектируемых нефте- и газопроводов. При этом разломы исследовались как с точки зрения их сейсмологической активности, так и с точки зрения геологической подвижности.
A Study of the Contemporary Tectonic Activity in Seismic Regions
N.I. Ovsyuchenko (InzhGeo Research and Design Institute, Krasnodar)
#1, p 51
Recently the need in detail and reliable assessment of seismic hazards for the regions with new pipelines has become the most crucial. Studies of many ruptured areas in the North-West Caucasus, which the being designed oil and gas pipelines traverse are given. The faults were investigated for both their seismic activity and geological mobility.
A Study of the Contemporary Tectonic Activity in Seismic Regions
N.I. Ovsyuchenko (InzhGeo Research and Design Institute, Krasnodar)
#1, p 51
Recently the need in detail and reliable assessment of seismic hazards for the regions with new pipelines has become the most crucial. Studies of many ruptured areas in the North-West Caucasus, which the being designed oil and gas pipelines traverse are given. The faults were investigated for both their seismic activity and geological mobility.