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Предварительная обработка данных космической съемкив «ЦФС-ТАЛКА»
Подробно описывается технология предварительной обработки материалов космической съемки со спутников IKONOS и QUICKBIRD с помощью «ЦФС-Талка». Данная технология позволяет увеличить разрешение мельтиспектрального изображения и получить изображения со сдвигом
в ближний инфракрасный диапазон.
The “TsFS-Talka” Software Module for Space Imagery Preliminary Processing
A.I. Alchinov (Institute of Control Sciences (ICS) of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
V.B. Kekelidze (“Talka-TDV” Company)
#3, p 20
A technology for space imagery preliminary processing with the “Talka-TsFS” is described in detail. Images are delivered from the IKONOS and QUICKBIRD satellites. This technology provides for increasing multispectral image resolution and obtaining images shifted to the near infrared spectral band.
The “TsFS-Talka” Software Module for Space Imagery Preliminary Processing
A.I. Alchinov (Institute of Control Sciences (ICS) of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
V.B. Kekelidze (“Talka-TDV” Company)
#3, p 20
A technology for space imagery preliminary processing with the “Talka-TsFS” is described in detail. Images are delivered from the IKONOS and QUICKBIRD satellites. This technology provides for increasing multispectral image resolution and obtaining images shifted to the near infrared spectral band.