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Создание трехмерной модели электроподстанции методом наземного лазерного сканирования
Описывается технология съемки в масштабе 1:500 реконструируемой электроподстанции ОРУ-330кВ с использованием лазерного сканера Riegl LMS Z-420 I совместно с цифровой камерой Nikon D100. Отмечается, что применение наземного лазерного сканера позволило бригаде
из трех человек выполнить полный комплекс полевых работы в течение 8 дней. По результатам съемки создан план в масштабе 1:500 и трехмерная модель подстанции.
Creation of the Electrical Substation 3D Model Using Ground-Based Laser Scanning
A.A. Kovrov (“Geopoligon” Company)
#3, p 51
A technology of imaging the being reconstructed electrical substation ORU-330kV on a scale of 1:500 is described. This approach involves the Riegl LMS Z-420i laser scanner together with the Nikon D100 digital camera. It is marked that the ground laser scanner usage provides for a team of three persons to fulfill a full complex of field works within eight days. A plan on a scale of 1:500 together with the 3D model of the substation have been compiled based on the survey data.
Creation of the Electrical Substation 3D Model Using Ground-Based Laser Scanning
A.A. Kovrov (“Geopoligon” Company)
#3, p 51
A technology of imaging the being reconstructed electrical substation ORU-330kV on a scale of 1:500 is described. This approach involves the Riegl LMS Z-420i laser scanner together with the Nikon D100 digital camera. It is marked that the ground laser scanner usage provides for a team of three persons to fulfill a full complex of field works within eight days. A plan on a scale of 1:500 together with the 3D model of the substation have been compiled based on the survey data.