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Бесконтактная мобильная измерительная система METRIS
Дается описание конструкции, основных технических характеристик и особенности работы высокоточной измерительные системы серии МV200 (Metris, Бельгия). Приводятся области применения системы. Отмечается, что в настоящее время система нашла широкое применение
за рубежом и в России в авиастроении.
Non-Invasive Mobile Measuring System Metris
V.V. Yakunin (“Neva-Technology”, St.-Petersburg)
#3, p 57
Design, performance and operating features are given for the precise measuring system of the MV200 series МV200 (Metris, Belgium). The system’s possible application fields are introduced. It is marked that at present the system is widely used both throughout the world and in Russia in the field of the aircraft engineering.
Non-Invasive Mobile Measuring System Metris
V.V. Yakunin (“Neva-Technology”, St.-Petersburg)
#3, p 57
Design, performance and operating features are given for the precise measuring system of the MV200 series МV200 (Metris, Belgium). The system’s possible application fields are introduced. It is marked that at present the system is widely used both throughout the world and in Russia in the field of the aircraft engineering.