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Расширение функциональных возможностей комплекса CREDO для решения геодезических задач
Приводится описание функционального развития новых версий геодезических систем CREDO_DAT и ТРАНСКОР. Ряд новых функций разработан с учетом опыта эксплуатации систем на производстве, а также возможностей современных технологий геодезических измерений.
Extension of the CREDO System Functional Capabilities for Solving Geodetic Tasks
A.P. Pigin (“Credo-Dialogue” JSC, Minsk, Byelorussia)
D.M. Vasilkov (Byelorussian State University, Minsk)
#4, p 9
Functional evolution of the new versions of the CREDO_DAT and TRANSKOR geodetic systems is described. Several new functions have been developed with due consideration for the both software routine usage and capabilities of the contemporary technologies of geodetic measurements.
Extension of the CREDO System Functional Capabilities for Solving Geodetic Tasks
A.P. Pigin (“Credo-Dialogue” JSC, Minsk, Byelorussia)
D.M. Vasilkov (Byelorussian State University, Minsk)
#4, p 9
Functional evolution of the new versions of the CREDO_DAT and TRANSKOR geodetic systems is described. Several new functions have been developed with due consideration for the both software routine usage and capabilities of the contemporary technologies of geodetic measurements.