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Опыт создания тематических карт и диаграмм средствами ГИС «Карта 2005»
В статье представлены возможности современных ГИС, показан технологический процесс подготовки данных и получения информативных и наглядных тематических карт и тематических диаграмм. В связи со становлением в Российской Федерации региональных органов власти
как федеральных, так и муниципальных, описанный опыт применения ГИС-технологий, поможет широкому кругу пользователей в практическом внедрении новых, передовых информационных технологий для принятия управленческих решений.
An Experience of Creating Thematic Maps and Diagrams Using the “Karta 2005” GIS
A.N. Proskurnin, A.G. Milovanov, V.A. Melnikov (Administration of the Kaluga Region Governor)
#4, p 27
The article presents capabilities of the contemporary GIS as well as shows the technological process of both data preparation and obtaining informative and highly visual thematic maps and thematic diagrams. An experience of using the GIS technologies will advance a wide range of users, including representatives of regional governmental bodies both federal and municipal, to apply new contemporary information technologies for managerial decision-making.
An Experience of Creating Thematic Maps and Diagrams Using the “Karta 2005” GIS
A.N. Proskurnin, A.G. Milovanov, V.A. Melnikov (Administration of the Kaluga Region Governor)
#4, p 27
The article presents capabilities of the contemporary GIS as well as shows the technological process of both data preparation and obtaining informative and highly visual thematic maps and thematic diagrams. An experience of using the GIS technologies will advance a wide range of users, including representatives of regional governmental bodies both federal and municipal, to apply new contemporary information technologies for managerial decision-making.