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Опыт создания корпоративных ГИС
Опираясь на опыт разработки информационных систем, основанных на ГИС-технологиях, в подразделениях крупных компаний, приводится некоторый типовой набор требований, предъявляемых к корпоративным ГИС. Эти требования раскрываются на примерах использования
программного обеспечения, разработанного КБ «Панорама».
An Experience of Creating a Corporate GIS
O.V. Belenkov («Panorama» Design Bureau)
#5, p 63
A standard list of requirements implied on corporate geoinformation systems is given based on an experience in creation of information systems based on the GIS-technologies. These requirements are explained using the software applications developed by the «Panorama» Design Bureau as an example. It is concluded that the corporate GIS means not a single universal software package but a whole set of software integrated with the technologies applied at all the subdivisions of large companies.
An Experience of Creating a Corporate GIS
O.V. Belenkov («Panorama» Design Bureau)
#5, p 63
A standard list of requirements implied on corporate geoinformation systems is given based on an experience in creation of information systems based on the GIS-technologies. These requirements are explained using the software applications developed by the «Panorama» Design Bureau as an example. It is concluded that the corporate GIS means not a single universal software package but a whole set of software integrated with the technologies applied at all the subdivisions of large companies.