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Георадар RIS-MF для исследования грунтов и съемки подземных коммуникаций
Отмечается, что георадарный метод находит применение при инженерно-геологических изысканиях и обследовании состояния дорожных одежд автомобильных дорог. Описываются конструктивные особенности георадара RIS-MF фирмы IDS (Италия) и программное обеспечение
GRED-ROAD для управления процессом сбора и обработки данных. Рассматриваются возможности использования данного георадара и ПО не только для исследования грунтов на глубине до 3 м, но и для съемки и создания цифровых планов и трехмерных моделей подземных коммуникаций.
On the Capabilities of the RIS-MF Georadar for Surveying both the Ground and Utility Lines
D.A. Chikhunov (Geostroiizyskaniya Company)
#2, p 14
It is marked that the georadar technology is being widely introduced in the engineering and geological surveys as well as in the highways carpet inspection. A description is given of the RIS-MF georadar (IDS, Italy) design features and the GRED-ROAD software capabilities to control the relevant data acquisition and processing. Possibilities of this georadar and the software usage for the ground survey down to the depth of 3 m are considered together with their application for surveying and compiling digital plans and 3D models of underground utility lines.
On the Capabilities of the RIS-MF Georadar for Surveying both the Ground and Utility Lines
D.A. Chikhunov (Geostroiizyskaniya Company)
#2, p 14
It is marked that the georadar technology is being widely introduced in the engineering and geological surveys as well as in the highways carpet inspection. A description is given of the RIS-MF georadar (IDS, Italy) design features and the GRED-ROAD software capabilities to control the relevant data acquisition and processing. Possibilities of this georadar and the software usage for the ground survey down to the depth of 3 m are considered together with their application for surveying and compiling digital plans and 3D models of underground utility lines.