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Технологическая линия для землеустроительных работ в ПК CREDO
Приводится подробное описание выполнения этапов землеустроительных работ с помощью программ ПК CREDO. Эти программы дополняют друг друга и образуют сквозную автоматизированную технологическую линию, создавая единое информационное пространство. В зависимости
от видов работ, выполняемых той или иной организацией, можно подобрать и соответствующий состав программ.
The CREDO Software Operation Line for Land Use Planning
A.S. Kalinin (Credo-Dialogue Joint Enterprise, Moscow office)
#2, p 61
All stages of the land use planning procedure using the CREDO software package is described in detail. These software programs complement each other providing for the end-to-end technological automated operation line in a single information space. It is possible to choose the required set of programs to fit the type of works fulfilled by a particular organization.
The CREDO Software Operation Line for Land Use Planning
A.S. Kalinin (Credo-Dialogue Joint Enterprise, Moscow office)
#2, p 61
All stages of the land use planning procedure using the CREDO software package is described in detail. These software programs complement each other providing for the end-to-end technological automated operation line in a single information space. It is possible to choose the required set of programs to fit the type of works fulfilled by a particular organization.