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Цифровой аэрофотоаппарат TWIN MAPPER
Приводятся первые результаты внедрения цифрового аэрофотоаппарата TWIN MAPPER в России и его прототипа Rollei AIC×2 в Германии. Дальнейшее развитие этого проекта будет направлено на увеличение количества камер до четырех. Подробно описывается система компенсации
продольного «смаза» и комплекс мер по обеспечению стабильности метрологических характеристик прибора.
Digital Aerophotocamera TWIN MAPPER
E.M. Medvedev (GeoLIDAR Company)
#5, p 47
The first results of introducing the digital aerophotocamera TWIN MAPPER in Russia as well as its prototype Rollei AIC×2 in Germany are given. This project further development considers extension of these cameras number from two to four. A description of the system for compensating longitudinal blur as well as the measures to provide for this instrument metrological performance stability are described in detail.
Digital Aerophotocamera TWIN MAPPER
E.M. Medvedev (GeoLIDAR Company)
#5, p 47
The first results of introducing the digital aerophotocamera TWIN MAPPER in Russia as well as its prototype Rollei AIC×2 in Germany are given. This project further development considers extension of these cameras number from two to four. A description of the system for compensating longitudinal blur as well as the measures to provide for this instrument metrological performance stability are described in detail.