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Общие принципы и продукция радиолокационного комплекса TerraSAR-X
Описываются особенности получения изображений земной поверхности с помощью космических радиолокационных систем на примере радиолокационного комплекса космического аппарата TerraSAR-X. Приводятся характеристики радиолокационных изображений TerraSAR-X с
четырьмя основными уровнями обработки. Отмечается возможность создания глобальной ЦМР земной поверхности с точностью не менее 2 м по данным радиолокационной съемки в режиме TanDEM-X.
The Radar Complex TerraSAR-X General Principles and Products
M.Yu. Aleksandrov (Geo-Alianse Company)
#1, p 51
There described features of acquiring terrestrial images with the space-based radar systems. The TerraSAR-X has been taken as an example of a spaceborne radar complex. There given the main characteristics of the TerraSAR-X radar images for four main processing levels. Possibility of creating a global digital terrain model with an accuracy of not least than two meters based on the radar data acquired in the TanDEM-X mode is marked.
The Radar Complex TerraSAR-X General Principles and Products
M.Yu. Aleksandrov (Geo-Alianse Company)
#1, p 51
There described features of acquiring terrestrial images with the space-based radar systems. The TerraSAR-X has been taken as an example of a spaceborne radar complex. There given the main characteristics of the TerraSAR-X radar images for four main processing levels. Possibility of creating a global digital terrain model with an accuracy of not least than two meters based on the radar data acquired in the TanDEM-X mode is marked.