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Расчет стоимости инженерных изысканий и подготовка сметной документации в программе ГЕОСМЕТА
Представлено новое программное обеспечение ГЕОСМЕТА, выпущенное в промышленную эксплуатацию компанией "Кредо-Диалог" в ноябре 2007 г. Программа, предназначенная для расчета стоимости инженерных изысканий и подготовки сметной документации на предприятии,
поставляется в следующих вариантах. ГЕОСМЕТА ГЕОДЕЗИЯ предназначена для определения стоимости инженерно-геодезических изысканий, ГЕОСМЕТА ГЕОЛОГИЯ - для определения стоимости инженерно-геологических и экологических работ, а ГЕОСМЕТА КОМПЛЕКС - для определения
стоимости всех видов инженерных изысканий.
Calculation of the Engineering Survey Cost and Preparation of the Estimates Using the GEOSMETA Software
N.N. Varvanovich (Credo-Dialogue Scientific and Industrial Company, Minsk, the Republic of Belarus)
#2, p 30
The new GEOSMETA software is introduced. In has been put into operation by the Credo-Dialogue Co. in November 2007. This software has been developed for both calculating the engineering survey cost and preparing estimates at the enterprises. The software following versions are provided: GEOSMETA GEODESIA intended for calculating the engineering and geodetic survey costs; GEOSMETA GEOLOGIA for determining the cost of the engineering, geological and ecological survey cost; and GEOSMETA KOMPLEKS for estimating the cost of all the engineering surveys of all the types.
Calculation of the Engineering Survey Cost and Preparation of the Estimates Using the GEOSMETA Software
N.N. Varvanovich (Credo-Dialogue Scientific and Industrial Company, Minsk, the Republic of Belarus)
#2, p 30
The new GEOSMETA software is introduced. In has been put into operation by the Credo-Dialogue Co. in November 2007. This software has been developed for both calculating the engineering survey cost and preparing estimates at the enterprises. The software following versions are provided: GEOSMETA GEODESIA intended for calculating the engineering and geodetic survey costs; GEOSMETA GEOLOGIA for determining the cost of the engineering, geological and ecological survey cost; and GEOSMETA KOMPLEKS for estimating the cost of all the engineering surveys of all the types.