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Возможности свободно распространяемой системы Kosmo для создания некоммерческих ГИС-проектов
Дается краткое описание возможностей новой версии бесплатно распространяемой геоинформационной системы Kosmo. Приводятся примеры разработки некоммерческих ГИС-проектов: ГИС "Морские живые ресурсы Азово-Черноморского бассейна" (Керчь, Украина) и создание
кадастровой базы данных в рамках проекта по укреплению земельного администрирования (Бишкек, Кыргызская Республика).
Opportunities of freely distributed system Kosmo for creation of noncommercial GIS Projects
S.S. Smirnov (the Southern Research Institute for Sea Fishing Industry and Oceanography, Kerch, Ukraine)
A.A. Karypov (State Agency for the Registration of the Right to Real Estate of the Kyrgyz Republic Government, Bishkek)
#2, p 65
Capabilities of the new version of the Kosmo geoinformation system disseminated free of charge are described in brief. Examples of the non-commercial GIS projects are given: the "Sea living resources of the Azov-Black Sea basin" GIS and creation of the cadastre database within the framework of the project for strengthening the land administration (Bishkek, the Kyrgyz Republic).
Opportunities of freely distributed system Kosmo for creation of noncommercial GIS Projects
S.S. Smirnov (the Southern Research Institute for Sea Fishing Industry and Oceanography, Kerch, Ukraine)
A.A. Karypov (State Agency for the Registration of the Right to Real Estate of the Kyrgyz Republic Government, Bishkek)
#2, p 65
Capabilities of the new version of the Kosmo geoinformation system disseminated free of charge are described in brief. Examples of the non-commercial GIS projects are given: the "Sea living resources of the Azov-Black Sea basin" GIS and creation of the cadastre database within the framework of the project for strengthening the land administration (Bishkek, the Kyrgyz Republic).