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Новый цифровой комплекс для широкоформатного сканирования и печати
Приводится описание и возможности широкоформатного сканера Contex HAWK-EYE G36 и широкоформатного принтера Canon iPF710, 36", объединенных ПО JETimage NET и размещенных компактно на напольном стенде. Данное техническое решение является оптимальным не только
для решения задач в области САПР и ГИС в проектно-изыскательских организациях, но и для выполнения отдельных заказов в фотолабораториях, копировальных салонах, образовательных учреждениях, архивах и музеях.
A New Digital System for Large-Format Scanning and Printing
A.I. Gavrilov (Consistent Software Distribution)
#3, p 13
Both description and capabilities are given for the large-format scanner Contex HAWK-EYE G36 and the large-format printer Canon iPF710, 36", integrated due to the JETimage NET software and compactly accommodated on the floor-mounted bench. This technical solution is optimal for not only solving tasks in the CAD and GIS fields at design and surveying organizations but for fulfilling particular jobs at photo and copying labs, educational institutions, archives and museums.
A New Digital System for Large-Format Scanning and Printing
A.I. Gavrilov (Consistent Software Distribution)
#3, p 13
Both description and capabilities are given for the large-format scanner Contex HAWK-EYE G36 and the large-format printer Canon iPF710, 36", integrated due to the JETimage NET software and compactly accommodated on the floor-mounted bench. This technical solution is optimal for not only solving tasks in the CAD and GIS fields at design and surveying organizations but for fulfilling particular jobs at photo and copying labs, educational institutions, archives and museums.