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Наземная инфраструктура ГНСС для точного позиционирования
Приводятся требования, которые необходимо учитывать при проектировании сети базовых станций и центра управления ее работой. Особое внимание уделено месту и надежности установки станций сети, выбору оптимального расстояния между отдельными станциями, количеству
базовых станций и геометрии сети в целом.
GNSS Onground Infrastructure for Precise Positioning
O.V. Evstafiev (Leica Geosystems AG Regional office)
#3, p 15
The requirements which should be taken into account while designing network's base stations and its control center are listed. A particular attention is paid to the place and reliability of the network's stations mounting as well as to the choice of an optimal distance between stations, a number of base stations and the network geometry as a whole.
GNSS Onground Infrastructure for Precise Positioning
O.V. Evstafiev (Leica Geosystems AG Regional office)
#3, p 15
The requirements which should be taken into account while designing network's base stations and its control center are listed. A particular attention is paid to the place and reliability of the network's stations mounting as well as to the choice of an optimal distance between stations, a number of base stations and the network geometry as a whole.