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Общее назначение и технические характеристики АФК VisionMap A3
Приводятся общие сведения, функциональное назначение и основные характеристики АФК VisionMap A3, созданной компанией VisionMap в 2004 г. Основными отличительными свойствами VisionMap A3 являются: получение горизонтальных и перспективных снимков в одном
полете одной камерой, аэросъемка с больших высот фотографирования, автоматическое получение ЦММ и ортофотоплана, полная автоматизация всех процессов.
General Purpose and Characteristics of the Aerial Imaging Photogrammetric System VisionMap A3
М.Ya. Pechatnikov, Yu.G. Raizman (VisionMap, Israel)
#3, p 28
General information, functionality and the principal characteristics of the Aerial Imaging Photogrammetric System VisionMap A3, created by the VisionMap company in 2004, are given. The VisionMap A3 main distinctive features are as follows: horizontal and perspective imaging by a single camera during a single flight, automatic creation of the DTMs and ortophotomapsas well as the full automation of all processes.
General Purpose and Characteristics of the Aerial Imaging Photogrammetric System VisionMap A3
М.Ya. Pechatnikov, Yu.G. Raizman (VisionMap, Israel)
#3, p 28
General information, functionality and the principal characteristics of the Aerial Imaging Photogrammetric System VisionMap A3, created by the VisionMap company in 2004, are given. The VisionMap A3 main distinctive features are as follows: horizontal and perspective imaging by a single camera during a single flight, automatic creation of the DTMs and ortophotomapsas well as the full automation of all processes.