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Обработка результатов координатной съемки фасадов зданий с помощью комплекса Credo III
Рассматривается технология съемки, подготовки и выпуска чертежей фасада здания и поэтажных профилей на примере проекта, выполненного авторами. Работы проводились на строящемся здании в городе Чебоксары с использованием безотражательного электронного тахеометра
Sokkia SET530RK3 и программного обеспечения CREDO_DAT 3.11 и ЛИНЕЙНЫЕ ИЗЫСКАНИЯ 1.0 комплекса Credo III.
Processing Results of the Buildings' Facades Coordinate Survey Using the Credo III Software
A.V. Spitsyn (Triada Plus, Kazan)
A.A. Chernyavtsev (Geostroiizyskaniya)
#4, p 26
A technology of survey as well as the preparation and output of the building facade drawings together with the floor profiles is considered based on the project fulfilled by the authors. The works were conducted at the building being constructed at Cheboksary using reflectorless tacheometer Sokkia SET530RK3, the software CREDO_DAT 3.11 and the LINEINYE IZYSKANIYA package of the Credo III system.
Processing Results of the Buildings' Facades Coordinate Survey Using the Credo III Software
A.V. Spitsyn (Triada Plus, Kazan)
A.A. Chernyavtsev (Geostroiizyskaniya)
#4, p 26
A technology of survey as well as the preparation and output of the building facade drawings together with the floor profiles is considered based on the project fulfilled by the authors. The works were conducted at the building being constructed at Cheboksary using reflectorless tacheometer Sokkia SET530RK3, the software CREDO_DAT 3.11 and the LINEINYE IZYSKANIYA package of the Credo III system.