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Согласование объектов на векторных картах в ПО «ЦФС-Талка»
Для создания качественных векторных цифровых карт и планов одной из важных задач является обеспечение топологической согласованности объектов, которое достигается набором профессиональных средств редактирования. В статье рассмотрены имеющиеся в ПО "ЦФС-Талка"
основные средства поиска ошибок, связанные с невыполнением топологической согласованности объектов векторной карты, пути и средства их исправления, а также средства, позволяющие избежать таких ошибок.
Adjustment of Objects in Vector Maps Using the "TsFS-Tallka" Software
A.I. Alchinov (Institute of Control Sciences (ICS) of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
V.V. Kostin ("Talka-GIS")
V.B. Kekelidze ("Talka-TDV" Research and Production Enterprise)
#6, p 28
When creating valid vector digital maps and plans topological adjustment of objects is among the most important tasks. It is fulfilled due to a set of professional editing tools. The article considers the available in the "TsFS-Talka" software main facilities for searching errors caused by the topological misadjustments of objects in the vector map, as well as the ways and means for their improvement. Means allowing these errors avoidance are also reckoned.
Adjustment of Objects in Vector Maps Using the "TsFS-Tallka" Software
A.I. Alchinov (Institute of Control Sciences (ICS) of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
V.V. Kostin ("Talka-GIS")
V.B. Kekelidze ("Talka-TDV" Research and Production Enterprise)
#6, p 28
When creating valid vector digital maps and plans topological adjustment of objects is among the most important tasks. It is fulfilled due to a set of professional editing tools. The article considers the available in the "TsFS-Talka" software main facilities for searching errors caused by the topological misadjustments of objects in the vector map, as well as the ways and means for their improvement. Means allowing these errors avoidance are also reckoned.