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Система высокоточных спутниковых геодезических измерений в Харьковской области
Представлена структура сети постоянно действующих базовых станций, создаваемой на территории Харьковской области. Рассмотрены вопросы, связанные с составом оборудования базовых станций, а также организацией информационного обмена между элементами сети
на основе собственного программного обеспечения.
A Network of the GNSS Reference Stations in the Kharkov Region
A.I. Gorb (Navigation Geodetic Center, Kharkov, Ukraine)
R.N. Fedorenko (Navigation Geodetic Center, Kharkov, Ukraine)
#6, p 51
A structure of the network integrating continuously operating base stations is given. It is being developed over the territory of the Kharkov Region. The following problems are considered: base station hardware configuration and arrangement of the data exchange in-between the network's elements based on the proprietary software. It is marked that at present the network's base stations receive GPS signals only.
A Network of the GNSS Reference Stations in the Kharkov Region
A.I. Gorb (Navigation Geodetic Center, Kharkov, Ukraine)
R.N. Fedorenko (Navigation Geodetic Center, Kharkov, Ukraine)
#6, p 51
A structure of the network integrating continuously operating base stations is given. It is being developed over the territory of the Kharkov Region. The following problems are considered: base station hardware configuration and arrangement of the data exchange in-between the network's elements based on the proprietary software. It is marked that at present the network's base stations receive GPS signals only.