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Отечественные технологии космической съемки: возможности и реалии
Приводятся сведения о разработках ИТЦ "СканЭкс" в области получения, обработки и предоставления материалов космической съемки Земли российским и зарубежным пользователям. В частности, рассказывается о станции приема космической информации "УниСкан", технологиях
GeoMixer и ScanNet и сервере Kosmosnimki.Ru.
Russian Technologies of Imaging from Space: Capabilities and Realities
V.E. Gershenzon (R&D Center ScanEx)
#5, p 23
An information is given on the R&D Scanex developments in the field of acquiring, processing and providing the Earth space imagery for the Russian and foreign users. In particular the UniScan space data receiving station, GeoMixer and ScanNet technologies together with the Kosmosnimki.Ru server are introduced.
Russian Technologies of Imaging from Space: Capabilities and Realities
V.E. Gershenzon (R&D Center ScanEx)
#5, p 23
An information is given on the R&D Scanex developments in the field of acquiring, processing and providing the Earth space imagery for the Russian and foreign users. In particular the UniScan space data receiving station, GeoMixer and ScanNet technologies together with the Kosmosnimki.Ru server are introduced.