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Электронные тахеометры Nikon Nivo – инновационные решения, доступные всем
Приводятся основные технические характеристики семи моделей электронных тахеометров Nikon Nivo серий M и C. Отмечаются принципиально новые дизайнерские, программные и аппаратные решения, позволившие разработчикам в облегченной конструкции и малых размерах
приборов реализовать последние достижения оптико-электронной промышленности в области геодезического приборостроения.
Nikon Nivo Electronic Tacheometers - Innovative Solutions Available for Everybody
A.A. Khomich, V.V. Zakharov ("Inter-Geo" JSC)
#6, p 15
The main technical characteristics of the seven models of the Nikon Nivo electronic tacheometers of the M and S series are given. Groundbreaking design, soft- and hardware solutions are noted which have made it possible for the developers to implement the very up-to-date achievements in the optico-electronic industry in the field of geodetic device engineering in the light-weight and small-size instrumentation construction.
Nikon Nivo Electronic Tacheometers - Innovative Solutions Available for Everybody
A.A. Khomich, V.V. Zakharov ("Inter-Geo" JSC)
#6, p 15
The main technical characteristics of the seven models of the Nikon Nivo electronic tacheometers of the M and S series are given. Groundbreaking design, soft- and hardware solutions are noted which have made it possible for the developers to implement the very up-to-date achievements in the optico-electronic industry in the field of geodetic device engineering in the light-weight and small-size instrumentation construction.