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Сквозное проектирование железных дорог в программе GeoniCS ЖЕЛДОР
Даются общие сведения об основных требованиях, которым должны удовлетворять геоинженерные программные комплексы для проектирования инженерных сооружений. Приводится последовательность работ по проектированию и подготовке рабочих чертежей выходной продукции
в программе GeoniCS на различных стадиях проектирования.
Railway Cross Designing Using the GeoniCS ZhELDOR Software
Yu.A. Kurilo, V.I. Chesheva (CSoft)
#6, p 23
General information is given on the main requirements which geoengineering software should meet to design engineering constructions. A sequence of design work is presented as well as the procedure of preparing detailed design drawings at the various design stages using the GeoniCS software.
Railway Cross Designing Using the GeoniCS ZhELDOR Software
Yu.A. Kurilo, V.I. Chesheva (CSoft)
#6, p 23
General information is given on the main requirements which geoengineering software should meet to design engineering constructions. A sequence of design work is presented as well as the procedure of preparing detailed design drawings at the various design stages using the GeoniCS software.