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Концепция геодезического мониторинга деформационных процессов в условиях Заполярья
Авторами обосновывается современная концепция геодезического мониторинга сложных инженерных сооружений, включающая практически непрерывные измерения деформаций несущих конструкций как в низкочастотном, так и в высокочастотном диапазонах. Приводится методика
и результаты геодезических и частотных измерений, выполненных в 2009 г. при мониторинге железнодорожного моста через р. Юрибей.
A Concept of the Geodetic Monitoring of Deformation Processes in the Polar Region Conditions
V.А. Gerasimov ("Yamal" Engineering Center)
V.Ya. Lobazov (R&D Center "Geodinamika", MIIGAiK)
B.Е. Reznik (Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
#1, p 17
The authors substantiate the modern concept of the geodetic monitoring of complex engineering constructions. This concept includes practically continuous measurements of deformations for the load-bearing structures in both low- and high-frequency ranges. The technique and results of the geodetic and frequency measurements made in 2009 within the framework of monitoring the railway bridge on the Yuribei river are given.
A Concept of the Geodetic Monitoring of Deformation Processes in the Polar Region Conditions
V.А. Gerasimov ("Yamal" Engineering Center)
V.Ya. Lobazov (R&D Center "Geodinamika", MIIGAiK)
B.Е. Reznik (Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
#1, p 17
The authors substantiate the modern concept of the geodetic monitoring of complex engineering constructions. This concept includes practically continuous measurements of deformations for the load-bearing structures in both low- and high-frequency ranges. The technique and results of the geodetic and frequency measurements made in 2009 within the framework of monitoring the railway bridge on the Yuribei river are given.