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Съемка фасадов зданий с помощью электронных тахеометров
Описывается методика проведения геодезических съемок фасадов зданий, подлежащих реконструкции, с применением электронных тахеометров. Рассматриваются методы съемки, даются рекомендации по обработке результатов измерении, а также проводится анализ точности.
Surveying Front Facades of Buildings with the Use of Electronic Tacheometers
D.А. Valtonen (Construction Department-91 Inzhspetsstroi)
#1, p 25
A procedure of geodetic surveying front facades of buildings being subject to reconstruction is described. This procedure is fulfilled with the use of total stations. Survey techniques are considered, recommendations for measurement results processing together with the accuracy analysis are given.
Surveying Front Facades of Buildings with the Use of Electronic Tacheometers
D.А. Valtonen (Construction Department-91 Inzhspetsstroi)
#1, p 25
A procedure of geodetic surveying front facades of buildings being subject to reconstruction is described. This procedure is fulfilled with the use of total stations. Survey techniques are considered, recommendations for measurement results processing together with the accuracy analysis are given.