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Проблемы установки и сохранности оборудования автоматизированных систем мониторинга
Приводятся рекомендации и конкретные примеры по защите оборудования автоматизированных систем мониторинга, применяемых при наблюдениях за деформациями инженерных сооружений и природных объектов. Отмечается, что в разных странах существует много путей,
обеспечивающих сохранность и постоянную работоспособность систем автоматизированного мониторинга или постоянно действующих базовых станций сетей спутникового позиционирования, которые зависят, в первую очередь, от природно-климатических условий, культуры и
менталитета местного населения.
Problems of Installing and Safety of the Equipment of the Automated Systems for Deformation Monitoring
O.V. Evstafev, A.I. Jashchenko ("Firma G.F.К.")
#2, p 11
Recommendations and concrete examples on protecting the equipment of the automated monitoring systems, used for observing deformations in engineering structures and natural objects are given. It is marked that in various countries there are many ways to ensure safety and constant working ability of the automated monitoring systems or continuously operating reference stations of the satellite positioning networks, which depend primarily on natural and climatic conditions, culture and mentality of the local people.
Problems of Installing and Safety of the Equipment of the Automated Systems for Deformation Monitoring
O.V. Evstafev, A.I. Jashchenko ("Firma G.F.К.")
#2, p 11
Recommendations and concrete examples on protecting the equipment of the automated monitoring systems, used for observing deformations in engineering structures and natural objects are given. It is marked that in various countries there are many ways to ensure safety and constant working ability of the automated monitoring systems or continuously operating reference stations of the satellite positioning networks, which depend primarily on natural and climatic conditions, culture and mentality of the local people.