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Оценка точности метода Precise Point Positioning и возможности его применения в кадастровых работах
Приводятся результаты исследования точности метода Precise Point Positioning, разработанного компанией NovAtel и предназначенного для обработки абсолютных двухчастотных кинематических GPS-измерений. Рассматривается возможность его применения для целей
координирования границ землепользований и других топографо-геодезических работ. Описываются преимущества и недостатки, а также особенности этого метода по сравнению с использованием дифференциального и относительного методов спутниковых измерений.
Accuracy Evaluation of the Precise Point Position Technique for Processing Satellite Data Positioning and its Application for Inventory Works
A.V. Vinogradov (Omsk State Agrarian University)
A.V. Voitenko, A.Yu. Zhigulin (West-Siberian branch of Goszemkadastrs'emka - VISHAGI)
#2, p 27
The results of investigating an accuracy of the Precise Point Positioning technique, developed by NovAtel company and intended for processing the absolute dual-frequency kinematic GPS-measurements are given. A possibility of its application for the purpose of coordinating land use boundaries and other topographic and geodetic works is considered. The advantages and disadvantages, as well as features of this technique are described in comparison with the differential and relative techniques of satellite measurements.
Accuracy Evaluation of the Precise Point Position Technique for Processing Satellite Data Positioning and its Application for Inventory Works
A.V. Vinogradov (Omsk State Agrarian University)
A.V. Voitenko, A.Yu. Zhigulin (West-Siberian branch of Goszemkadastrs'emka - VISHAGI)
#2, p 27
The results of investigating an accuracy of the Precise Point Positioning technique, developed by NovAtel company and intended for processing the absolute dual-frequency kinematic GPS-measurements are given. A possibility of its application for the purpose of coordinating land use boundaries and other topographic and geodetic works is considered. The advantages and disadvantages, as well as features of this technique are described in comparison with the differential and relative techniques of satellite measurements.